2019 Schedule
Area Schools Jazz Performances
Presented by First Bank and the Malloy Foundation.
This outreach program of the South Carolina Jazz Festival exposes students to the wonderful sounds of jazz.
“Dizzy” on Display
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Southern African American Heritage Center, 125 Kershaw St.. Admission to view exhibit : $7 & $5. Enjoy a firsthand look at the life of Cheraw’s favorite son. Several documentaries will be shown at the center. No charge to view documentaries.
Quilt Exhibit – Legacies in Fiber
The Story Quilts of Dr. Marlene Linton O’Bryant-Seabrook
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Music on Market venue, 117 Market Street. Presented by the Coulter-Long National Alumni Association. Quilt collection courtesy of O’Bryant family. Featuring Dizzy: Bopped Out of South Carolina quilt & Gullah inspired quilts.
A Little History at the Chapel
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Elaine’s Wedding Chapel, 153 Second St. Hosted by Elaine’s Wedding Chapel. Drop by and watch an excerpt from the multi-award winning documentary film series American Epic narrated by Robert Redford, from BAFTA and EMMY nominated filmmakers Bernard MacMahon and Allison McGourty, which features a never before told story set in Cheraw. This presentation is courtesy of Lo-Max Films, BBC Arena and PBS.
Dizzy… Bird… & Friends Exhibit
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Market Street Art Gallery, 145 Market St.
3-D Musical Sculptural Pieces created by artist Jim Gleason.

Friday, Oct. 18, 2019
Early Jazz Venues:
Free Admission
6:00 – 7:30pm
• Fatz Restaurant
• Brady’s Restaurant
Main Event
7:00-8:30 pm – Presented by Town of Cheraw.
Performance starts promptly at 7:00 pm!
“Jazz at the Theatre on the Green” featuring
Emmet Cohen Trio with special guest Bruce Harris.
Multifaceted American jazz pianist and composer Emmet Cohen is in the vanguard of his generation’s advancement of music and the related arts. He is the winner of the 2019 American Pianists Awards and the Cole Porter Fellow of the American Pianists Association.
“Cohen is a young piano virtuoso with a delicate touch, assured, swaggering swing feel, and debonair flow.”
— Giovanni Russonello, NYTimes
Special guest trumpeter Bruce Harris has earned a reputation as one of the most important and emerging voices in jazz today.
“One of the five young players you should know.”
— Wynton Marsalis, Ebony Magazine
Ticketed event. Limited seating.
Evening Jazz at Local Venues: Free Admission
• Kevin Lear on Main: Sidecar Social Club
• Expressions Gallery & Lounge: A New Creation
• College Inn Restaurant: Michael Knight
• The Wine Factory: Noel Freidline Quartet with Maria Howell
9:00pm-12:00 midnight
• Oslo’s Spirits and Grill: Empire Strikes Brass

Sidecar Social Club

A New Creation

Noel Freidline & Maria Howell
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019
Cheraw Has Jazz!
Downtown Cheraw is the perfect place to celebrate a day alive with jazz and the arts. Try your skills at being the next famous madonnari (that’s Italian for a street painter). Great food available at area restaurants.
Golf Tournament
9:00 am – Cheraw State Park. Two-person scramble. 9:00am Shotgun Start. $140/team (includes green fees, refreshments, door prizes and full lunch at awards ceremony). Entry deadline: October 14. For details, call Clarence Long at 478.737.3031 or email [email protected]. Proceeds benefit Dizzy Gillespie Scholarship Fund.
Quilt Exhibit – Legacies in Fiber
The Story Quilts of Dr. Marlene Linton O’Bryant-Seabrook
11:00 am – 2:00 pm – Music on Market venue, 117 Market Street. Presented by the Coulter-Long National Alumni Association. Quilt collection courtesy of O’Bryant family. Featuring Dizzy: Bopped Out of South Carolina quilt & Gullah inspired quilts.
Dizzy… Bird… & Friends Exhibit
11:00 am – 4:00 pm – Market Street Art Gallery, 145 Market St.
3-D Musical Sculptural Pieces created by artist Jim Gleason.
A Little History at the Chapel
12:00 noon – 4:00 pm – Elaine’s Wedding Chapel, 153 Second St. Hosted by Elaine’s Wedding Chapel. Drop by and watch an excerpt from the multi-award winning documentary film series American Epic narrated by Robert Redford, from BAFTA and EMMY nominated filmmakers Bernard MacMahon and Allison McGourty, which features a never before told story set in Cheraw. This presentation is courtesy of Lo-Max Films, BBC Arena and PBS.
“Dizzy” on Display
12:00 noon – 5:00 pm – Southern African American Heritage Center, 125 Kershaw St.. Admission to view exhibit : $7 & $5. Enjoy a firsthand look at the life of Cheraw’s favorite son. Several documentaries will be shown at the center. No charge to view documentaries.
Bebop Parade & Dizzy’s Birthday Celebration
Presented by Schaeffler Group USA, Inc.
10:45 am: Gather at 300 Huger Street – Dizzy Gillespie Homesite Park for parade lineup.
11:00 am: Parade begins … followed by Dizzy’s birthday celebration at Centennial Park.
Empire Strikes Brass Band and Paperhand Puppets lead the parade. Empire Strikes Brass provides jazzy tunes for the parade.
Second Line Umbrella Participants lead this fun-filled parade beginning at Dizzy Gillespie Homesite Park to downtown’s Centennial Park. Join the Bebop excitement at any point. Prizes will be awarded for the jazziest trike.. bike.. golf cart…or costume. Winners announced at Centennial Park following the parade. All ages can participate. At Centennial Park, celebrate Cheraw native Dizzy Gillespie’s 102nd birthday with a slice of birthday cake. Event canceled in case of rain.
“The Umbrella Man” Second Line Decorated Umbrellas
There will be no rain on our Bebop Parade, however decorated umbrellas at Second Line Parades symbolize celebration, and these unique creations will be a great way to say, “Happy Birthday, Dizzy!” After all, “The Umbrella Man” was a favorite song Dizzy often performed. Decorate an umbrella and join the fun!
Centennial Park
12:00 noon – 5:30 pm – Live Jazz in the Park
Presented by Buddy Brooks State Farm Insurance. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy jazz on a fall afternoon. Free event. New this year! Food trucks at Centennial Park. Tables for dining available at park courtesy of Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Department.
Jazz Concert at Old St. David’s Episcopal Church
1:00 – 2:00 pm – 91 Church Street
Presented by BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina.
Featuring jazz guitarist Hoffman/Rapp Trio. Interesting world music to straight-ahead American jazz. Enjoy jazz in this 1700’s church. Free Admission.

Dizzy Gillespie Homesite Park

Empire Strikes Brass
Paperhand Puppets
Jazz & Art Downtown
Family Friendly Event: Market on Market
10:00 am–3:00 pm – Downtown Cheraw
Art – Food – Produce
Italian Madonnari Chalk Competition
Presented by Ingram Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. Prizes awarded! Teams create pastel masterpieces on the sidewalk. Want to participate? Call the Cheraw Arts Commission at 843.537.8420 x12. Winners announced at 2:30 pm at the Theatre on the Green. Thanks to Wal-Mart for providing gift card prizes.
Wesley United Methodist Church
2:30-4:00 pm – Sponsored by Reid’s Funeral Home and Cheraw Branch NAACP. Enjoy an afternoon of jazz featuring Charles Peterson and Against All Odds Band in the church where the Gillespie family worshiped. The church is located at 307 Greene St.
Against All Odds Band
Daytime Dining Options
Menus available at Market Hall Ticket & Information Area.
• Food Trucks at Centennial Park: 12noon – 6:00pm
• BBQ pork and chicken plates at GW Long Presbyterian Church, 312 Second St.: 11am – 4pm. Eat in or Take Out. Pay at the door – by Coulter-Long National Alumni Association.
Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019
Early Jazz Venues:
Free Admission
6:00 – 7:30pm
• Fatz Restaurant
• Brady’s Restaurant
Main Event
7:00-8:30 pm – Presented by Town of Cheraw.
Performance starts promptly at 7:00 pm!
“Jazz at the Theatre on the Green” featuring
Sammy Miller & the Congregation with special guest Martina DaSilva.
Grammy nominated drummer Sammy Miller & the Congregation are on a mission to bring back the generosity of jazz and bring art to the people.
“Sammy Miller is the perfect player- scholar” – Wall Street Journal.
Jazz vocalist Martina DaSilva captivates audiences with her signature blend of daring technical virtuosity and expressive emotional sensitivity.
Ticketed event. Limited seating.
Evening Jazz at Local Venues: Free Admission
8:00-11:00 pm
• Expressions Gallery & Lounge –
Charles Peterson & Against All Odds Band
Charles Peterson & Against All Odds Band
8:00-11:00 pm
• The Wine Factory – Gino Castillo and the Cuban Cowboys with Mark Rapp
• College Inn Restaurant – Michael Knight
8:30-11:30 pm
• Oslo’s Spirits and Grill – Ezra Brown Band
Gino Castillo
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019
Drumming for Dizzy
1:00 pm: Dizzy Gillespie Homesite Park – 300 Huger Street. Sponsored by SanKofa TROOP. Join in for an amazing drum circle at the homeplace of John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie with facilitator Bhakti Larry Hough of Bhakti’s NewWorld Arts. Please bring an outdoor chair and drum. A few drums will be provided. All ages can participate by drumming, dancing or watching. – Free event
*In case of inclement weather, this event will be held indoors at the Heritage Center, 125 Kershaw St., Cheraw, SC 29520.
Jazz Mass
3:00 pm: Pee Dee Union Baptist Church – 92 Chestnut Street. The festival concludes with community worship. Area clergy and musicians will lead this community worship service set in the tones of soulful jazz. The mass will be inside.
Historic Cheraw Cellphone Tour
Free self-guided tour includes Gillespie Home Site Park, the Gillespie’s home church, and the school site where Dizzy attended. Tour brochures available at the Lyceum, Market Hall and the Chamber office.
Additional Festival Happenings
Presented by Highland Industries, Inc.
Poetry on Demand
Friday & Saturday: Poet Eddie Cabbage creates personalized poetry. Receive a poem created on the spot. Requests for poems can vary widely. Free.
Jazz Festival Photo Contest!
There will be a grand prize of $100! In order to participate, you must post the photo on social media and use the hashtags #scjazzfestival19 and #cherawsc. Submitted photos will be put up for a community vote after the festival, with the winner receiving the most votes! Additional rules and conditions apply.
Contact Rob Wolfe at [email protected] for more info.
Metal Sculptor Bob Doster
Saturday: Discover your Inner Artist! Create sculpture with Award-Winning South Carolina Artist. Free.
Promotional Artwork By Eric Mcray
In his works, Eric McRay gives his personal interpretation of jazz, “the classical music of America.” Through his brilliant color, expressive brushstrokes, and improvisational application of acrylic paint, McRay captures the vibrancy and spontaneity of his musical subjects.
Mark your calendar for the next SC Jazz Festival.
October 16-18, 2020
Presenting Sponsor:
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Duke Energy
First Citizens Bank
Founders Credit Union
Lynches River Electric Cooperative
McLeod Health Cheraw
Reid’s Funeral Home
Sandhill Connextions
Patron Sponsors
Carolina Bank
Cheraw Branch NAACP
Cheravian Club
Cheraw IGA
Harris, McLeod & Ruffner